Essay writing

Essay writing is a gradual system of developing the instinct issue regarding a certain subject matter. It enables to explore the subject matter through creative involvement of writer in an imaginary situation. It gets better only with practice. It develops skill to explore something imaginative and real with close perception of one’s take regarding the subject matter.

2019 St. Francis College Literary Prize

Awards are not always products of our hard work while prizes are usually recognition of an outstanding performance in a particular event. The St Francis College Literary Prize is not a writing contest for the sake of the event but is open to any author around that globe that are on their mid-career, writing their third to the fifth book of fiction. Although the nomination is open to basically anybody Read More …

I need 200 wordproduct descriptions. – will ultimately give a 5 star rating for well delivered work.

I need someone to write 200 – 250 words on each topic. Please note no spinning, I’m very strict on plagiarism. How to write an Admission Essay How to write an Annotated Bibliography How to write an Application Letter How to write an Argumentative Essay How to write an Article Review How to write a Biography How to write a Book Review How to write a Business Plan How to Read More …

Literary Prize of St. Francis College

With the gift of $50,000 for winning the 2017 St. Francis College Literary Prize, Dana Spiotta now has one of the most important gifts of all, the gift to spend more time working on new projects. That encouragement and freedom to write is precisely why St. Francis College creates the Literary Prize, which is awarded every two years to a mid-career author. The college wants to focus attention on writers Read More …


Flyway considers submissions in the genres of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and visual art. We accept submissions from August 15 to May 1 of each year, except for visual art, which we accept year-round. We are interested in work that explores the intersection of human experience and the environment, broadly interpreted: work that focuses on ecology, science and the environmental imagination, certainly, but also work that focuses on place, on natural and Read More …

Essay Writing Contests – Steppingstones for Aspiring Writers

Introduction There are many different approaches and various different ways of becoming a prolific writer who is well-recognized by society. The most effective mode, however, is entering essay writing contests. These contests help aspiring writers to realize their dreams. They serve as a mere channel to help writers who are struggling to make it to the top. Essay writing contests are the best platforms to showcase something new from the Read More …