PostDoc – How Written Text Is Processed By The Visual System

The Barnard Vision Lab (led by Dr. Alex White) is seeking a passionate and dedicated postdoctoral scholar to research how written text is processed by the visual system. The successful candidate will work on an NIH-funded project about the processing capacity limits that affect reading. Key questions include: how much written information can the brain process in parallel? What are the key brain areas that transmit information from the visual system to the language system? How are those brain areas modulated by attention?

The prior studies that motivate our current goals can be found here.

We are most interested in a postdoctoral scholar who will take the lead on fMRI studies that are central to the NIH project. Our studies also involve psychophysics, eye-tracking, and computational modeling.


Our lab is in the Department of Neuroscience & Behavior at Barnard College, a premier liberal arts college in Manhattan affiliated with Columbia University. Neuroimaging facilities are available at Columbia’s Zuckerman Institute, just a few blocks uptown.


Please apply at this webpage . Submit a CV and a cover letter explaining your research and career goals, and how those build off of your previous training. Please also include the names and contact information for three professional references.


Interviews will begin in the coming weeks, and the position will remain open until filled. The start date is flexible, ideally in the summer of 2021. We encourage applicants who identify with demographic groups that are underrepresented in science and academia.


Spread the word to your friends and mentees!

Please click here to apply:

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