Full-Time Research Assistant Position – Neural Basis Of Conscious Vision

Our lab is seeking to hire a Research Assistant for a funded project investigating the neural basis of conscious vision. The successful candidate will play a pivotal role in many aspects of the study including recruiting and scheduling participants, collecting behavioral and neuroimaging data, and organizing and analyzing study data. In addition, this position will involve general lab management, including maintaining ethical protocols, and there will be opportunity to contribute to other ongoing projects in the lab. The research assistant will also have the opportunity to prepare scientific results for publication and presentation, and there will be ample opportunity to learn methods in functional neuroimaging, visual psychophysics, and eye tracking/pupillometry. Accordingly, this position should be viewed as a stepping stone toward gaining entry into graduate or professional school.

  • The ideal candidate should be highly motivated, organized, and capable of working independently, have strong organizational and interpersonal skills, and hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in psychology, neuroscience, or related discipline.
  • Individuals interested in the psychology and neuroscience of visual perception are especially encouraged to apply.
  • Minimum qualifications include a Bachelor’s degree in psychology, neuroscience, or related field, and previous (undergraduate or post-undergraduate) experience in human subjects research.
  • Experience with vision research is highly desirable.
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) is essential.
  • Experience using a programming language (Python, Matlab) is desired, but not necessary.

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