Postdoc Or Software Developer Position In Computational Neuroscience

A part-time Postdoc or Software Developer position is available in the Dura-Bernal Lab at the State University of New York (SUNY) Downstate Health Sciences (Brooklyn, New York). The position will focus on the development and dissemination of NetPyNE, a tool for data-driven multiscale modeling of brain circuits. For more details on the software tool see our eLife publication ( and tool website (


Benefits and conditions:

  • Gain research experience and learn cutting edge methods in computational neuroscience: development of neuroscience software tools; large-scale modeling of neuronal cortical circuits to study brain function and disease; and machine learning applied to neuroscience. For more details see Research and Current Collaborations.
  • Contribute to NIH- and NSF-funded projects and collaborate with top national and international institutions (Yale, Brown, UCL, EPFL, …).
  • Position currently funded by a 5-year NIH grant ending in 2024.
  • Part-time position (20 hours / week); may become a full-time position in the future, depending upon funding.
  • Possibility of working in person (Brooklyn, NY) or remotely.
  • Possibility of working as a salaried employee with benefits package, or as a contractor.
  • The position is only available to US-based persons or companies (citizens, permanent residents, or visa holders).



  • Improve the NetPyNE software tool to ensure its reliability, robustness and reproducibility.
  • Collaborate with an external software company (MetaCell LLC) to extend the tool’s graphical user interface (GUI).
  • Update the tool’s online documentation and develop interactive tutorials.
  • Organize, prepare and teach conference workshops/tutorials and yearly courses to train users.
  • Provide ongoing support to neuroscience researchers across the world who use the tool to model different brain regions and phenomena (see and
  • Continue ongoing collaborations with other neuroscience tools and resources.
  • Encourage, coordinate and manage open source code contributions from interns, graduate students or researchers (usually online via GitHub:

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