Software Engineer, Robotics, Test Systems

Neuralink is developing ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers. We are building a team of multidisciplinary experts passionate about making a world-changing impact.

As a Software Engineer working on our robot test systems, you’ll be on the ground floor of building a comprehensive pure software, simulation, and hardware in the loop test system for our high precision surgical robot. This will involve working with hardware engineers to design and deploy new test hardware, and setting up tools for both yourself and other engineers on the team to write and deploy tests at all levels. We have nascent test infrastructure, but are looking to build a team that will turn it into a full fledged system that brings our iteration time down, decreases our manual testing load, and increases our surgical robot’s reliability even as we scale to many more surgeries. You’ll be joining this team in its formative moments.

About you:

  • You find large challenges exciting and enjoy discovering and defining problems as much as solving them.
  • You deliver. You may enjoy thoughtful conversations about problems and perfecting designs, but in the end, you know that what matters is delivering a manufacturable solution that works every time.
  • You are a cross-disciplinary team member. You are excited to work with and learn from software, mechanical, electrical, materials, biological engineers, and neuroscientists. You are comfortable communicating across teams.
  • Resourceful, flexible and adaptable; no task is too big or too small.

Please click here to apply:

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