Research Assistant – Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience & Vision Rehabilitation

Group for Real-World Neuroscience (PI: Paul Matusz) between the University of Applied Sciences & Arts Western Switzerland (HES-SO Valais) and University of Lausanne (UNIL) invites applications for a research assistant position on the project “Understanding the role of attention in visual rehabilitation: Amblyopia as a model” funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione programme. The project uses a combination of ophthalmology, psychophysics, EEG and motion tracking in children and adults with amblyopia (“lazy-eye syndrome”) and healthy children. Its aim is to provide much-needed insights into the role of the interactions between perceptual, attentional and motor processes in the aetiology as well as recovery from amblyopia, by testing promising novel treatments involving serious games on VR.


The position has a flexible start but can start immediately.

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