
Neuralink is developing ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers. We are building a team of multidisciplinary experts passionate about making a world-changing impact.

Neuralink is seeking a motivated individual for the role of Pathologist.


About you:

  • Analyze and score histological data. Generate both formal and informal reports of findings for company leadership and regulatory filings.
  • Oversee collaborations with independent veterinarians and their analyses of study data.
  • Oversee GLP studies for FDA data and report submissions.
  • Work with histologists to improve in-house tissue processing, histology, and data analysis pipelines.
  • Develop or bring in new tissue interrogation strategies enabling quick iteration device refinements that improve safety and longevity.


Key qualifications:

  • DVM/MD specializing in pathology and/or toxicology.
  • 3+ years in industry setting.


Preferred qualifications:

  • Experience in designing, executing, and analyzing preclinical/clinical studies.
  • Experience in assessing implanted medical devices.
  • Experience with or knowledge of a variety of routine and specialized histology stains and microscopy.
  • Experience in performing necropsies and identifying gross tissue and organ samples.
  • Experience working in a GLP or similarly regulated setting.


What we offer:

  • An opportunity to change the world and work with some of the smartest and the most talented experts from different fields.
  • Growth potential. We rapidly advance team members who have an outsized impact.
  • Excellent medical, dental, and vision insurance through a PPO plan; parental leave.
  • Flexible time off + paid holidays.
  • 401(k) plan.
  • Commuter Benefits.
  • Meals provided.

Please click here to apply:

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